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- Теми: Активни | Без отговор
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#1 27/01/2010 18:51:35
- wir98mgt
- потребител
- Регистриран: 27/01/2010
- Мнения: 6
documenti za smyana na "place of origin"
nadyawam se, che njakoj mozhe da mi pomogne sas sawet po slednata situatzia.
Rabotil sam w Germania predi da zapochna tuk za komisiata. Sega za da mi promenjat darzhawata ot kadeto proizhozhdam ot Germania na Bulgaria im tryabwa document uweryawash, che prawoto mi na glasuwane e w BG.
Nyakoj ima li idea otkade i kak se wzima takaw dokument?
Blagorja predwaritelno.
#2 27/01/2010 19:59:10
- small
- потребител
- Регистриран: 21/01/2009
- Мнения: 3
Отговор: documenti za smyana na "place of origin"
Това ли е единственият начин, по който можеш да удостовериш, че държавата ти на произход е България?
Според информацията на вътрешния ни сайт (ЕП) документът може да бъде "a copy of your voter's card or a certificate of inclusion on the electoral roll."
Преминах подобна процедура за centre of interests, при която има три възможности - да докажеш, че имаш семейни връзки, собственост или право на глас в съответната държава.
Бих те посъветвала да поразпиташ дали няма друг начин да докажеш държавата на произход (нямам идея кой би издал удостоверение за право на гласуване). По-долу копирам извадка от вътрешните ни правила (може би същите/подобни важат и за Комисията?).
Place of origin / Place of recruitment
When you take up your duties, your place of origin will be assumed to be the same as your place of recruitment.
At your request, submitted within one year of taking up your duties and supported by the necessary documents, your place of origin can be deemed to be the same as your centre of interests if the latter is not the same as your place of recruitment.
The following definitions apply:
• place of recruitment: the place where you were normally resident at the time when you were recruited.
Temporary residence (particularly for purposes of study, military service, traineeships or tourism) cannot be regarded as normal or habitual residence.
• centre of interests: the place where you have:
your main family ties, represented by:
o your father and mother or one of them, or, in their absence, your grandparents or one of them, or, in their absence, your parents-in-law or one othem, or in their absence your brothers and sisters, or one or more of your children;
o your place of residence and that of your spouse, on two conditions:
1) that it was your joint permanent place of residence before the first of the spouses to join an institution entered the service of the Communities as an official, temporary member of staff or employee on contract;
2) that it comprises a building to which you and/or your spouse have ties of ownership;
• property in the form of a building;
• your main civic interests, whether of an active or passive nature.
If the three above criteria are not met at the same place, the centre of interests is deemed to be in the place where:
• at least two of these criteria are met;
• failing that, where you have your family ties, represented in this case solely by your father, mother or children.
Changing your place of origin after your entry into service
After you have entered into service, you have a maximum of one year to change your place of origin.
In order to do so, you must inform the department responsible and submit the documentary evidence relating to the criterion or criteria you have indicated:
• either a residence certificate and a copy of a recent consumption invoice indicating the name and address of the relative concerned or a certificate of joint residence from the appropriate period, and a copy of the notarial deed and invoice concerning the property;
• a copy of the notarial deed accompanied by a recent invoice concerning the property (in your name);
• a copy of your voter's card or a certificate of inclusion on the electoral roll.
Успех в неравната битка с администрацията : )
П.С. Извинявам се, че натоварих форума с толкова дълъг пост. Няма ли начин за прикачване на файлове?
#3 29/01/2010 23:37:15
- viktor
- потребител
- Регистриран: 19/12/2007
- Мнения: 430
Отговор: documenti za smyana na "place of origin"
imah sushtija problem. Otivash v obshtinata po mestoziveene, kadeto njakoga si se vodil v Bulgarija. Pitaj gi dali figurirash v spisuka na glasopodavatelite i dali si zapisan za izborite. Po neizvestni za men prichini se okaza, che az naistina figurirah tam. Ako ne figurirash, prosto im kazi da te vpishat...Posle im iskaj dokument, v kojto da potvurdjat che si v spisuka. Te shte ti kazat, che takuv dokument ne izdavat, no ti shte nastojavash dokato ne stane. Tova e...
#4 31/01/2010 17:17:05
- wir98mgt
- потребител
- Регистриран: 27/01/2010
- Мнения: 6
Отговор: documenti za smyana na "place of origin"
Blagodarya wi na wsichki za otgoworite. Shte gledam da se oprawja kakto mi preporachahte.
Страници: 1
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